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Age: 16 School: Hua Yi Secondary School Birthday: 2 Dec 93 Old MemOrIeS February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 November 2008 February 2009 December 2009 LiNkiEs Alwyn Zhiyi Jeremy Weishun Vivian Xixi Chieu Lin Jessica Zavier Boon Ching Kok Yong Cyrus Jia Qi Jack Eric Maggie Anime Skies Tagboard
Thursday, December 24, 2009 Sian leh..... In the past, students always hope that exams faster end, holiday faster come. But i think for me, i hope that exam faster end, holiday dont come, cause i often gt nothing to do. Working for almost a month, and all i can say is that i am getting used to the work, and the atmosphere. Finally know the real meaning of 怀念... really missed the time in school, and the days di siaoing teachers... Sudenly remember the days in primary school, when one could just slack all the way and revise only a few days before exam, and yet can get a decent grades. Tried that in secondary school and get many red marks. SIAN... Really hope can score a not bad olevel result and go to a not bad course and then dont need study anymore liao.... k, bye Monday, December 14, 2009 Back to blog once again, cause too boring. O level ended a month or so ago, and result will be released in a month or so too. Having mixed feelings for the result. On one hand, i am eager to know the result, but on the other, i scare the result will disappoints me. Sian.. Everyone is like working to earn pocket money, and so do i. The only diffference is that everyone seems to enjoy their job, but i seriously dont enjoy mine. The job is not tiring, but is the atmosphere. No one to joke with, to talk to, and on top of that, the pay is a bit below the market. But its okay, just bear till Feb can liao... Seriously, school life is a lot better than work life. In school, you have friends to play with, to talk to, to joke with, and time passes quickly. Whereas in work, unless you are working with friends or the job is the one you enjoy, time will be like a pai kah snail, passes damn slowly, Everyday i am like before work start, i am praying that its time to go home... Life in HYSS have been a memorable one, friends,teachers, everyone, everything. Till now, whenever i think of them, especially those famous quote made by teachers( like doctor), i just cant keep smiling.. LOL For example, " How did the princess die?" "She ate an apple which was poisonous, and the poison killed her. This is a complete answer. A complete answer is not something like "it is because ......""LOL... That a phrase all 4E509 will hear for almost every English lesson. Doctor say it so often that when she just say "how did the princess die?", we will straight away give her the answer. LOL 4 years in NCC have not been wasted. The pumpings and pt(which i often pon) allow me to finally pass 2.4km run after 6 years of failing, although in the end i still fail napha cause of shutter run :(. The trainings make me a bit stronger than my primary school days, when i cant even do one IPU... The trainings also makes me able to do my current job without much difficulty, which is carry things. LOL... Missed the times with NCC people playing cheats during camps, ordering mac delivery in the night while the juniors are sleeping, doing food test, in the name of ensuring the quality, but in fact, is just to have meals earlier. LOL Above passage a bit emo and long? Here something light... why is the penguin's belly black? cause its hand is too short, thus cannot reach the belly to clean it when bathing okay, time to signed off Monday, February 9, 2009 Not blogging anymore....... my pet tortoise just dead, after 15 years of living with us.... been taking care of it since i p4..... feeling very sad....... really regretted not taking good care of it....... Rest In peace, little tortoise 安息吧,小乌龟。。。。。。。。 Friday, November 28, 2008 Long time never update, Sec 3 life is finishing in about 1 month time. next year o level, must work hard. now for the answers ( gt 1 question i forgot the answer, so ... ya, no answer will be announced for that question. if u wanna know, go click on the question, it will link u to a page where i get those question. 0.0? 1)cause she took an X-ray pics 2)that the question i forgot the answer. but i thin the answer is snake. cause qi zui ba sha 3)Spiderman, cause spiderman when read slowly, sound like SHI BAI DE man. SHI BAI= fail 4)cause the ant die of hunger 0.0 5)ZI BAN ZI, dead fat man 00 here are some url for cold riddles http://www.oicq88.com/iq/ http://www.godcn.com/humor/iq/ for more, just goggle nao jin ji zhuan wan or qian bian wen ta ti. Wednesday, September 10, 2008 long time no update. here a few more riddles. have fun ^_^ 有一個很肥的婦人去照相,為什麼拍出來的照片卻骨瘦如柴 那种动物有七张嘴? 誰是最失敗的人? 有一隻螞蟻從101大樓掉下來,結果還沒掉下來就死了,為什麼? 胖子從18層樓掉下來變什麼?﹝三個字﹞ okay. that all for today. pleasy guess Friday, July 4, 2008 SEC 3 camp over, like for about 2 weeks? Kota Tingi rox hamtaro rox jetty jump rox river casading rox Panti rox falling down rox thorns rox camfire rox bili blanja rox cheer rox sleeping in tents rox playing poker at night rox houseflies rox makan cheer rox SEC 3 CAMP ROX!!!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1)How long will you wait for someone you love? Dunno 2)What do you want to do now? play on9 game 3)What will you be doing at 6pm? watch tv? 4)Do you hate your friends sometimes? dunno wad is ur defination of hate 5)Where do you wish to die? i m still young, havent even think of how to enjoy life u want me think of where to die? 6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? yes 7)What are the impossible things you wish to do? go to moon n c if really gt chang e n rabbit n wu gang there chopping tree 8)Is there something which you wished never happened? What is it? Any reward if i say? 9)Are you happy with your life now? maybe?? if no sch, no stress, no fat, no poor, no terrioist, no disease, gt tonns of money, it will be best.^_^ 10)What if your crush asked you out? check if it a prank nt 11). What will you do when you feel bored? do smth so i wont be bored 12)What feelings do you hate the most? dunno how to describle 13)Do you cherish every friendship of yours? who dont? 14)What are you looking forward to in the coming weeks? eat, sleep, play Instructions: Remove one question from above and replace it with your own.Tag 11 people, list them down at the end of th post.Notify them in their chatbox that they've been tagged.CHANGE: 14. u like ur sch life? 1) Jeremy 2) yong li 3-11) anyone |