
Name: Joseph
Age: 16
School: Hua Yi Secondary School
Birthday: 2 Dec 93

Old MemOrIeS

January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
November 2008
February 2009
December 2009


Chieu Lin
Boon Ching
Kok Yong
Jia Qi
Anime Skies


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

hi, i am going to to reveal the answer for the first 3 questions first.

1) the answer is uh-ah. cause the song goes uh-ah给我一杯忘情水。so the answer is uh-ah...
2)the answer is bean, 豆。cause 豆沙包。。。。
3)the answer is 买鸭蛋。cause buy duck egg sure wont get chicken inside. okay, tat all. the answer for the rest of the questions i will post smth ltr.

as for today, is really a normal day. chinese spelling is quite okay n the physicl i think i am getting a c cause i dont quite understand wad the teacher talking. as for pe, heng the photo taking took away, i heard today teacherwants to train our speed by asking us to run here run there wif music. recess was as usual, drink some water n g up to chat. then today math teaher nt here, but still gt test. i think the test i can pass ba. then gt bio. i finally can catch up wif the teacher. tmr gt test, must chiong liao. nid chiong at least a B. the is el. the teacher talk abot the compre n say it wad cruel to keep animals in cage n visit natiral habitat cause we embarrassing the animals. then finally the long-waiting bell rang n i went eat wif yuan long, jeremy n yong li. went home after tat. ltr chionging bio. gd boy rite? ya, i know i am.-____-

here some more lame questions/joke/horror stories

太平洋中间是什么啊 ?

okay, tat all fot today. happy guessing. bye bye

drakoleon at 4:55 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

second post, the links are nt arrange in order n i will do so when free. okay, lets me just ask a few lame questions. if u know the answe, tag at the tagbox. if u dont know, ask at the tagbox for clue. if u know and dont to to say, then dont say.

first, 谁给刘德华忘情水?
next, 谁杀死包?
next, 买什么蛋,才不会买到裡面已经有了小鸡的蛋?
next, a hunter is shooting a target 20m away from him, his bullet can travel 15m, but yet the target still die. why?
next, 小白+小白=?
next, 什么动物可以贴在墙壁上?
next, who is bigger? the Boss or the Worker?
next,拿西瓜打头还是拿凤梨打頭。 哪一個比较痛?

okay, tat all for today. the answer i will post abot 1 week ltr. btw, those questions can be found on a website u u go tw yahoo search for qian bian wen da ti.

drakoleon at 7:05 PM

HI, back to blogging cause too boring. This blog will most probably be used as a gossip and lame quesion blog, so i will nt post that often!! btw, ty to yong li for helping me to cr8 tis blog. tyty.

drakoleon at 3:25 PM